Cariniana Network: a Brazilian Experience With A Distributed Digital Preservation Partnerships


  • Miguel Ángel Márdero Arellano Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Brasil
  • Alexandre Faria de Oliveira Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Brasil


Internationally, in the area of digital preservation systems implementation architecture, the risks and characteristics
of reliable digital repositories are being considered. The software tools being used go through the verification
of the management and control of the functional requirements for the establishment of distributed
preservation systems. The preservation of institutional digital records in Brazil needs to take into account all
the digital management systems used to carry out the technical-scientific activities of the organs. The Cariniana
Network coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology can contribute to the
specification of policies, technical requirements, training, and evaluation of digital preservation management
in public and private institutions among other types of services and thus to establish the rules of production of
digital collections for the operation of reliable systems of publication, access and long-term archiving in Brazil.




