Reading Practices of Students from the Information Systems, Library Science and Archiving Program
The research project focused on acknowledging the reading practices of students from the Information Systems, Library Science and Archiving program in three specifi c semesters of curriculum, I and II, V and VI, IX and X. The goal of the project was to identify the reading practices of students as a presentation of the panorama of conceptions on the reading practices, which emphasized the motivating elements, the time dedicated to reading, purchase of books, spaces and places for reading and, fi nally, an exploration of reading in new formats. During the development of the research, the following phases were executed: fi rst, the design of the survey; second, software selection and design of the application to generate the survey in a virtual space; third, selection of a representative sample of students, conduction of a pilot test with IX semester students for instrument adjustment and consolidation of the sample; fourth, analysis and interpretation of the gathered information, and fi nally, the presentation of the outcome.