Proposal for a Standard Model for Information and Document Management for Electronic Contracting in Colombia
The objective of the research was to design a standard model of document management and information of the Contracts series, following the model of the Electronic System of Public Procurement SECOP in Colombia - Single Contracting Portal,-PUC, against the series of the contractual process, of so that the PUC, apply the archival theory, for physical and electronic documents, in their form of organization, access, consultation and recovery. That is why the process of document management and information management are directly linked to the management of public administration bodies because it has greater involvement in the development and short-term rise of information and communication technologies through the implementation of Laws for access to information and generate transparency in the different regional countries at the Latin American level, given the regulatory, formalization and standardization requirements at the World level; emanated by the bodies that regulate the massification of access to public information and therefore the requirement of transparency in the processes of the administration of documentary and electronic information in the field of Public Administration.