Documentary Description Model for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Case Study: Barranquilla Carnival - Manifestation: Dance


  • Elena Molano Muñoz Dirección Seccional de Impuestos. Barranquilla, Colombia


This work presents a proposal for the documentary description of the elements that make up the dance manifestation of the Carnival of Barranquilla, understood as a socio-cultural expression, around which features of the cultural heritage of the Colombian Caribbean are structured, particularly in Barranquilla as a multiple and complex territory, with a high potential to approach it from the principles of archival description. The methodology combined the documentary analysis with interviews to experts in both Archival and Intangible Cultural Heritage. The main results reveal the need to have a model to guide the description, translated into a record of the Dance, as one of the most relevant cultural expressions in the Carnival of Barranquilla. In conclusion, the interdisciplinarity between archival processes, especially those of description and cultural heritage, stands out.




