Reading and writing plans, assessments regarding compliance with objectives and appropriations: the case of Medellin's reading and writing plan, 2009-2014


  • Octavio Henao A. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Paulina Gómez Z. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Nathalia Quintero C. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Cristian Otálvaro Q. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Doris Adriana Ramírez S. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Jaime Bornacelly C. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Didier Álvarez Z. Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia


This article gives an account of the main results of the evaluation of the Municipal Reading Plan Medellín, a City for Reading and Writing 2009-2014 -PMLE, conducted by the University of Antioquia in agreement with the Mayor's Office of Medellin. The purpose of this research was to consider the Plan regarding the achievement of its objectives, the appropriation and the experience of the social agents, in some local territories of the city of Medellín. Specifically, the evaluation sought to estimate compliance with the lines, strategies and programs of the PMLE and assess the forms of appropriation, experience, perception and reinvention that led to the PMLE in reading and writing practices in the city of Medellín. One of the conclusions is that the PMLE was conceived as a social and political initiative aimed at the promotion and qualification of the social space of reading and writing in the city of Medellin, with a strong emphasis on printed textualities, especially books. Its central strategy was to integrate and enhance the action of the training programs for readers and writers already existing in the city, and promote inter-institutional relations between the municipal government and social organizations.




